Role-playing is an essential ingredient in the KidZania experience
Role-playing is a timeless and universal childhood activity across the globe. It is an embedded behaviour in all children and is an essential ingredient in the KidZania experience. Role-playing is fun – and has very positive educational, psychological and motivational benefits.
At KidZania, children ages 2 to 16 years have the opportunity of having adult-like experiences while assuming the role of firemen, construction workers, police officers, and fashion designers, among others.
Kids perform such fun activities naturally without previous learning or adult explanations. Unlike other activities that include directions, such as sports or video games, children need only watch an adult doing something before beginning to imitate them.
They pretend to be mothers when playing with their dolls or they act like drivers when riding in a car. Role-playing is an essential ingredient in the concept’s experience.
A doll is one of the best examples of role-playing since it represents a kid pretending to be a caring parent to their child. The KidZania concept has taken this enduring behaviour, Role-Playing and elevated it to its maximum expression.
All KidZanian activities are designed with an experiential learning process in mind, channeled through fun role-play activities that seamlessly combine education and entertainment. The overall concept is quite ancient, as Aristotle once said, “for the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”
KidZania India offers 100+ role-playing activities in over 65 establishments. These activities include introduction to aviation, animation, acting, engineering, medical sciences among others. A university inside the KidZania premises encourages kids to spend their kidZos to sharpen their skills.
Since Experiential Learning involves learning from direct experience or “doing” rather than listening or memorizing facts, it’s strongly linked to KidZania’s concept, supported by this relevant quote from Xun Kuang: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
KidZania's activities are known to seamlessly combine education and entertainment.
Role-play is a form of Experiential Learning and is an effective educational tool as it encourages children to become active participants in their learning. Children can move about, put themselves in someone else’s shoes, wear a costume and use props, and communicate and make decisions in character. All of this allows them to take risks and explore different areas.
Child development experts believe that learning from role-play is far more likely to stick with children than traditional educational methods like doing exercise sheets. Through role-play, children are making discoveries and experiments with firsthand knowledge rather than hearing or reading about others’ experiences.
Several child development experts outline the benefits of role-play in their impact on the below core skills:
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