
FSM Music Studio

Play musical instruments and perform for an audience

Music-studio Learn & Play Musical Instruments

Activity Availability
KidZania Delhi NCR & Mumbai Logo


  • Musicians

Activity Description
The Music Academy offers kids a unique opportunity to learn about rhythms, create your own music and how to play the drums. Practise the rhythm play your tune along with the team in front of an audience at the Theatre.

30 Minutes

Educational Content

  • Psychomotor Skills: While playing the drums there must be a sync between both the hands and legs. Hand-eye coordination is required for all the instruments
  • Cognitive Skills: Accuracy in terms of understanding the rhythms and beats and following the instructions
  • Emotional Skills: Happiness in terms of executing the job and being able to create their very first music track
  • Social Skills: Coordinating with other visitors in order to get the rhythm right

Kids will have to pay 10 kidZos for this activity.

Purpose Partner
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